
Cued Speech as a Strategy for the Deaf

Cued Speech, a visual communication system, has been revolutionizing the way the Deaf and hard of hearing interact with the world of language and communication. Developed in the 1960s by Dr. R. Orin Cornett at Gallaudet University, Cued Speech was initially designed to aid in the development of phonemic awareness, thereby improving the reading and language skills of Deaf individuals. This article delves into the mechanics, benefits, and global impact of Cued Speech, highlighting its role as a transformative tool in the Deaf community.

Understanding Cued Speech

The Basics of Cued Speech

Cued Speech is a system that uses hand shapes and placements in combination with the natural lip patterns of speech to make the phonemes of a spoken language visually clear. It is not a language itself but a visual representation of the phonetic segments of spoken languages. The system comprises eight handshapes and four locations around the face, each representing different phonemes. This visual modality enables Deaf individuals to distinguish between similar lip patterns like “p” and “b” which are visually indistinguishable in spoken languages.

Adaptability Across Languages

One of the most remarkable aspects of Cued Speech is its adaptability to various languages. Since its inception, it has been adapted to more than 60 languages and dialects worldwide. This versatility makes it an inclusive tool that can be tailored to the specific linguistic needs of Deaf individuals in different cultural contexts.

Benefits of Cued Speech

Enhancing Language Development

Cued Speech significantly contributes to language development in Deaf and hard of hearing individuals. By providing a visual counterpart to spoken languages, it facilitates the acquisition of phonemic awareness, essential for reading and language comprehension. Studies have shown that Deaf children exposed to Cued Speech demonstrate better literacy skills compared to those who aren’t. This is primarily because Cued Speech bridges the gap between visual and phonetic elements of language, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of the structure and form of spoken languages.

Improving Communication

For families with Deaf children, Cued Speech offers a means of clear and effective communication. It enables parents, regardless of their hearing status, to communicate more effectively with their Deaf children. This shared mode of communication fosters stronger familial bonds and provides a supportive environment for language and emotional development.

Educational Applications

In educational settings, Cued Speech facilitates better access to mainstream education for Deaf students. It allows them to access the phonetic structure of the spoken language directly, which is crucial in learning to read and write. Educators using Cued Speech can convey exact pronunciation, aiding in language comprehension and literacy.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Accessibility and Training

One of the challenges in implementing Cued Speech is the need for extensive training. Educators, interpreters, and family members require proper training to become proficient. This can be a barrier, especially in areas where resources and trained professionals are scarce.

Misconceptions About Cued Speech

There are misconceptions that Cued Speech is intended to replace sign languages or that it is less effective than other communication methods. However, Cued Speech is not a substitute for sign language; rather, it complements it by providing additional linguistic access. It’s a tool that enhances language awareness and literacy, working alongside other methods of communication.

Global Impact of Cued Speech

Cued Speech Around the World

The global adoption of Cued Speech highlights its effectiveness in diverse linguistic and cultural contexts. From the United States to Europe, Asia, and beyond, Cued Speech has been instrumental in breaking down communication barriers for the Deaf. It has been adapted to fit various language structures, showcasing its flexibility and universal applicability.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Numerous case studies and personal accounts testify to the positive impact of Cued Speech. For instance, Deaf individuals who have used Cued Speech often report improved reading and comprehension skills. Educational institutions that have incorporated Cued Speech report higher literacy rates among their Deaf students.


Cued Speech stands as a powerful tool in the arsenal of communication strategies for the Deaf. Its ability to provide clear visual representations of spoken language offers profound benefits in language development, literacy, and interpersonal communication. While challenges exist, the potential of Cued Speech in enhancing the lives of Deaf individuals is undeniable. As awareness and training continue to grow, so too will the reach and impact of this innovative system.

Embracing Diversity in Communication

The Role of Cued Speech in Multimodal Communication

Cued Speech is an integral part of a multimodal approach to Deaf communication. This approach recognizes the importance of providing Deaf individuals with various communication tools, including sign language, oral speech, and Cued Speech. Embracing this diversity allows individuals to choose or combine methods that best suit their personal, educational, and social needs. It acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all solution in Deaf communication and respects the individual’s right to choose their preferred mode of communication.

Enhancing Cultural Inclusion

Cued Speech also plays a role in enhancing cultural inclusion. By providing a visual means to access the phonetic structure of spoken languages, it opens up opportunities for Deaf individuals to engage more deeply with the hearing world without losing their Deaf identity. This inclusivity is crucial in building a society where Deaf individuals can participate fully and equally, bridging the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities.

The Future of Cued Speech

Technological Integration

The future of Cued Speech looks promising, especially with the advent of new technologies. The integration of Cued Speech with digital tools and resources can make learning and using it more accessible and engaging. For example, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can be used to create immersive learning environments for Cued Speech, making it easier to understand and practice. Mobile apps can provide on-the-go learning resources, making Cued Speech more accessible to a wider audience.

Global Outreach and Education

Another key aspect of the future of Cued Speech is expanding its reach globally. While it has been adapted to many languages, there are still regions where Cued Speech is relatively unknown. Increasing global outreach and education about Cued Speech can help more Deaf individuals worldwide access this valuable tool. This involves not only translating Cued Speech into more languages but also providing training and resources in those languages.

Continuous Research and Improvement

Ongoing research is essential in improving Cued Speech and understanding its impact better. This includes studying its effects on different age groups, its long-term benefits, and how it interacts with other forms of communication. Continuous improvement based on research findings will ensure that Cued Speech remains an effective and relevant tool for the Deaf community.


Cued Speech is a powerful communication strategy that has positively impacted the Deaf community. Its ability to visually represent the phonetic components of spoken language has opened up new avenues for language acquisition, literacy, and communication. While there are challenges in its implementation and misconceptions to overcome, the benefits it offers are undeniable.

The future of Cued Speech is bright, with opportunities for technological innovation, global expansion, and continuous research and development. By embracing diversity in communication and striving for cultural inclusion, Cued Speech will continue to be an essential tool in bridging the communication gap for the Deaf community.

As we move forward, it is crucial to continue advocating for and supporting the use of Cued Speech, along with other communication strategies, to ensure that every Deaf individual has the opportunity to communicate and learn in a way that best suits their needs. In doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive and accessible world for all.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cued Speech

Cued Speech is a visual system of communication used to make spoken languages accessible to the Deaf and hard of hearing. It was developed by Dr. R. Orin Cornett at Gallaudet University in the 1960s. Unlike sign languages, which are fully developed languages with their own grammar and syntax, Cued Speech is not a language in itself. Instead, it is a tool that represents the phonemes (basic sounds) of a spoken language through a combination of hand shapes and placements near the mouth, used in conjunction with the natural lip movements of speech.

The primary distinction between Cued Speech and sign languages lies in their linguistic properties. Sign languages, like American Sign Language (ASL), are independent languages with their own rules and structure, visually and spatially oriented. They convey meaning through handshapes, positions, movements, facial expressions, and body language. In contrast, Cued Speech is a phonemic-based system that aims to visually convey the sounds of a spoken language, enabling a clear distinction of similar-sounding words which can be especially challenging for lip-reading.

Cued Speech is designed to supplement lip-reading and provide additional visual cues to enhance understanding. It can be particularly effective in improving literacy skills, as it provides a direct visual counterpart to the phonetic structure of spoken language. This system can be adapted to virtually any spoken language, making it a versatile tool for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals worldwide. By bridging the gap between sign language and spoken language, Cued Speech plays a crucial role in diverse communication strategies for the Deaf community.

Cued Speech plays a significant role in language development for Deaf individuals, particularly in the realms of literacy and phonemic awareness. The system enhances the ability of Deaf and hard of hearing individuals to access the phonetic components of spoken languages, which is a critical aspect of learning to read and write.

One of the challenges faced by Deaf learners is the acquisition of phonological awareness, an understanding of the sound structure of language, which is crucial for reading proficiency. Since Cued Speech provides a visual representation of these sounds, it enables Deaf individuals to develop a better understanding of the phonemic structure of the language. This visual access to phonemes aids in differentiating words that look similar when lip-read but have different sounds, such as “bat” and “pat.”

Research has shown that Deaf children who use Cued Speech tend to develop literacy skills more effectively than those who rely solely on lip-reading. This is because Cued Speech provides a more complete linguistic model, including aspects of spoken language that are visually ambiguous or absent in lip-reading alone. By facilitating a deeper understanding of the sound system of language, Cued Speech supports the development of reading skills, such as phonetic decoding and word recognition.

Additionally, Cued Speech can be beneficial in bilingual or multilingual contexts, where it helps Deaf individuals access multiple spoken languages visually. It not only aids in language development but also promotes cognitive flexibility and cultural awareness by providing access to different languages and forms of communication.

The difficulty of learning and implementing Cued Speech can vary depending on several factors, including the learner’s familiarity with the spoken language being cued, the availability of resources and instruction, and the individual’s learning style. Generally, Cued Speech is considered to be relatively easy to learn for both hearing and Deaf individuals, especially when compared to mastering a complete sign language.

For hearing parents of Deaf children, learning Cued Speech can be a straightforward process since it directly corresponds to the phonemes of the spoken language they are already familiar with. The system involves eight handshapes and four locations around the face, each representing different sounds. With proper instruction and practice, most people can attain a basic level of proficiency in a short period.

However, like any new skill, mastering Cued Speech to the point of fluency can take time and dedication. Consistent practice is key to becoming proficient. Additionally, the effectiveness of Cued Speech also depends on its consistent and correct implementation. This means that teachers, family members, and therapists working with the Deaf individual should also be trained in Cued Speech to ensure a supportive learning environment.

Resources such as classes, online tutorials, and practice groups can significantly aid in learning Cued Speech. The availability of these resources can vary depending on geographic location and community support, which can influence the ease of learning and implementing this system.

Yes, one of the most significant advantages of Cued Speech is its adaptability to virtually any spoken language. The system is designed to visually represent the phonemes (basic sound units) of a language, and since all spoken languages are composed of these phonemic elements, Cued Speech can be modified to suit different languages.

Since its development in the 1960s for American English, Cued Speech has been adapted for over 60 languages and dialects worldwide. The adaptability involves modifying the handshapes and placements to correspond to the specific phonemic inventory of each language. This process ensures that the unique sounds of each language are accurately and visually represented.

The adaptability of Cued Speech to different languages makes it an inclusive communication tool that can benefit Deaf individuals in diverse linguistic communities. It allows Deaf children and adults to access the phonetic structure of their native language or any other language they wish to learn, facilitating bilingualism and multilingualism. This adaptability also means that Cued Speech can be a valuable tool in educational settings, especially in countries with multiple official languages or significant linguistic diversity.

The process of adapting Cued Speech to a new language requires a thorough understanding of the phonemic structure of that language and collaboration with linguists and Cued Speech experts. Once adapted, it provides a consistent system that can be used for education, communication, and literacy development in that language.

Cued Speech has a significant positive impact on literacy and academic performance in Deaf individuals. By providing a visual representation of the phonemic structure of spoken languages, Cued Speech facilitates the development of reading and writing skills, which are foundational to academic success.

Deaf and hard of hearing students often face challenges in acquiring literacy skills, primarily because they do not have access to the phonetic information of spoken language through hearing. Cued Speech addresses this gap by making the sounds of the language visible. This visibility is crucial for developing phonemic awareness, a key component in learning to read. Phonemic awareness refers to the understanding that words are made up of individual sounds, and it is essential for decoding (sounding out) words while reading.

Research has shown that Deaf children who use Cued Speech tend to have higher levels of reading comprehension and overall literacy compared to their peers who do not use the system. This improved literacy has a direct impact on their academic performance across various subjects, as reading comprehension is a critical skill in all areas of learning.

In addition to improving literacy, Cued Speech also supports better pronunciation and speech production in Deaf individuals who use oral communication. This can enhance their ability to participate in mainstream educational settings and improve interactions with hearing peers and educators.

Cued Speech also contributes to cognitive development by providing a clear and consistent visual representation of language. This cognitive development supports academic learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Overall, the use of Cued Speech in education for Deaf individuals leads to more inclusive and effective learning experiences, paving the way for academic success and broader opportunities in higher education and beyond.